When find my iphone is disabled, what is displayed on other iPhones?

My parents use the find my iphone app to track my phone, if I turn it off what do they see? Does it say it's turned off or does it just say it's at it's last location? I've heard both but I'm curious.

It will just show that it isn't able to connect…

Your parents aren't stupid, they will know you've disabled it.

But, all it will say is that it can't connect. Also, it can only be enabled/disabled on the device.

It just says that the device is offline.

P.S. Find iPhone app works only if you have internet. If you don't have internet its the same if you turn on or turn off your device, it shows the same thing that device is offline.

The Phone will still apear in list form but it will say it is offline and nothing can be down with it through icloud.

It notifies them its off.

It will shows offline.