Where can I buy a solar charger in store?

I'm looking to buy an inexpensive solar charger for my iPhone in the next few days. Any suggestions on where I can buy one without having it shipped?

I've seen some that fold out for camping and hiking, etc. So you can charge where ever you are. I heard they take forever as you need to charge all day but at least it would give you a little charge so you could check something if camping etc.

We don't know where you are.

REI, Radio Shack, Sports Basement, Fry's Electronics, and lots of other brick/martar stores have "solar chargers" designed to do what you want. The good ones actually work - but may not fit your criteria of "inexpensive".

For example, for what it can do, I think
is "inexpensive". And compared to
it is… I tried to use a cheap (under $10) "cell phone solar charger" on a recent camping trip and it could not supply enough power to my iPhone very well - even after leaving it out in the direct sun (no clouds at all), for 2 days straight… But it certainly was "inexpensive" (and a waste of money).

Since "inexpensive" means different things to different people, perhaps we start with your budget…

If your trip is only a couple of days, it may be that a battery is all that is needed - like

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