Where can i download music to my laptop?

I don't want it on an iphone or anything like that. I just want it on my computer. Please don't bother asking why. Where can i download music for free to my laptop?

Please keep in mind that you can download/share only copyright-free (classical, nursery rhymes) music for free, unless the copyright owners allow free downloading/sharing of their material. All sites that provide copyrighted music SUCH AS THIS to be downloaded/shared for free, but WITHOUT permission from the copyright owners are equally ILLEGAL! So, unless you are about to download copyright-free music, please start using legal buy-a-download resources similar to iTunes. Having no money/credit card is NEVER an excuse to STEAL anything anyway, so there's a very good reason why all the ILLEGAL sites/resources are being shut down and their users being sued for illegal downloading. It is also the reason why there's NO direct download button available on YouTube.

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