Where can I get the iOS 7 Beta download?

I'm trying to update my iPhone 4 to iOS 7 Beta and I know how to do it but I can't find a torrent that will simply download iOS 7 onto my desktop. I don't want to have to purchase anything because I know there are ways around that. Where can I download iOS 7 Beta from?

Nowhere. Not this early into the beta!

If you do it you may get bricked, even if you don't they might get you when there's a BETA 2 update. If you want to avoid this I'm registering UDID's for $5.99 I can also give you the download link. If interested email me at joshuabseitz@gmail.com

You don't Need UDID or Dev accounts, i know a tricks thats way you install your desire ios 7 into your iPhone. Just go through the article which i drug down for you, Link is given bellow

You should just pay the money and have peace of mind. The "workaround" method is sketchy.

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