Where in Albq nm can I sell my damaged iPhone 4S?

Where in Albq nm can I sell my damaged iPhone 4S?

Http://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&spell=1&q=Where+in+Abq+nm+can+I+sell+my+damaged+iPhone+4S%3F&sa=X&ei=iSetUKyVF9PaqQHApYCACw&ved=0CCoQBSgA&bav=on.2, or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=93ae3cd286e866f1&bpcl=38897761&biw=1366&bih=571

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  • How to sell my damaged iPhone? I'm thinking about selling my iphone in order to get some money and buy a new one. It got coffee in it. It still functions, turns on and off, is able to connect to the Internet, and charge. The problems are that the home button doesn't work and it doesn't play any noise, even with headphones in. Where should I sell it? EBay? Craigslist or another website? If so can you leave it below? And about how much should I price it or can be expected I can get for it?
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