Where to find clay balls in minecraft?

Where do I find clay balls in minecraft. I've tried looking near the ocean but I can't find it. BTW I'm on iPhone.
Please Answer!

Look in the kiln. There's a clay man. He has them.

The problem with Clay is that it spawns based on the amount of water nearby, which unfortunately happens to be most prominently at the bottom of the ocean. Which makes Gathering it a pain, unless you basically drain the Ocean.

The Clay Blocks spawn based on the amount of water, Swamp Biomes are the best place for this as there's plenty of water, yet it's only one, two, maybe three blocks deep, however I don't know how updated the IOS version of Minecraft is, so I wouldn't know if Swamp Biomes are even in that version at all.

Clay blocks, when broken, drop four Clay Balls. If your playing a version that has an Enchantment Table available, enchanting a Shovel for Fortune, and then digging up the clay that way is the absolute best way to get Clay, seeing as you can get up to Twelve from each block, and based on the Fortune Level, from one to three, it increases by another four clay balls each time I believe.