Which dlsr camera can upload photos to instagram?

I want to post proffesional looking photos on instagram and all i have is an iphone 5 and thats only like 8 mp i'm looking for a dlsr camera that has one of those smart functions were it has apps like facebook tumblr and most important instagram do you know of any!

There are NO "smart" dSLR's in the sense you imply.

A dSLR camera is just that, a camera. Any post production and sharing you may want to do has to be done AFTER you copy all the images to your computer and are connected to the internet.

Whether your images look "professional" or not, has to do with your skills using a fully adjustable camera. Just buying a $3, 000 camera will NOT make you a photographer.

DSLRs don't do apps.
DSLRs don't have integrated Wi-Fi intenet access (yet)

You would need to go via a PC.

BTW what is the point a using "professional" photos to be destroyed on instagram? Any old carp will do.

Instagram isn't well known for its "Professional High Quality Images"

Actually it is more known for snapshots. In many ways it is like when in the film days you could buy a one-use camera.

So Instagram is fine for well your 8Mpixel camera on your mobile. But lets be fair Instagram users tend not to be the person who drag around a DSLR + Lenses + Flash + whatever more tools. Your camera phone is FINE for instagram.

I know "Pro" instagrammers for big sports teams and magazines that use either an iPhone or Galaxy SIII or Note. While you can indirectly get DSLR photos into instagram, the way they're displayed makes it pointless.