Which do you think is better?
Google pixel 3 or iPhone 10
IPhones are for Apple fans, most other smartphones are better, tech-wise.
Iphone x
Define "better".
I like both tbh
A fairer comparison would be the iPhone XS (not 10S) vs the Pixel 3.
I think overall the iPhone XS is better, though there are some features of the Pixel 3 I like, like call filtering & its camera in more cases seems to be better than the iPhone's though not to say the iPhone's camera is junk in comparison.
Definitely what you prefer.
Pixel 3 better: camera, look (IMO), price, OS (IMO), more features
iPhone better: more refined and streamlined OS, almost textbook perfect screen (note 9 is slightly better especially when it comes to movies.), better integration, iMessage. Most people prefer this phone.
IPhones in general are better
Samsung note 9 :
but ill choose iPhone 10 just because it has a cooler trademark design regardless of the features because looks are everything to me. I don't care much because the features are usually advanced and useless for me. If it calls can be appstore apps then nothing really matters.
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