Which iphone should i ask for christmas morning?

So i right now have an iphone 6 and its not really working anymore its to the point where i need a new phone and i don't know which one i should get. I was thinking iphone 8. I have dropped my iphone 6 in the toliet 3 times and dropped it normally on the ground more than three times. When i play music on it there's static even when i'm playing an episode of a show on netflix and i don't really get notified when someone is calling me sometimes and it does not show the name of the person calling me. I have tried restarting it but i did not help at all

Iphone X. If you drop that down the toilet, buy another.

Iphone X

Iphone XR. Because its the newest iphone and it won't cost them a fortune. Its cheaper than the X. Only difference is there's two cameras on the X. Who on earth needs two cameras. That one camera on the XR is great

An 8 is fine if you can't otherwise get the XR, XS/XS Max

All of them

The Apple website has a program that allows you to see the features of the iPhone right next to each other. It makes it easy to decide.

One toilet drop can happen to anyone. The second time should have been a wake-up call to not take the phone into the bathroom. Third time, you obviously learned nothing from your mistakes. You aren't responsible enough to have ANY cell phone.

X or xs

As many iPhones as you've destroyed, you need a cheap Jitterbug phone to next drop in the toilet. Girls always put their phone in their hip pocket and it flips out into the toilet when they run tinkle… Broken, peed on phone. Take all your money and peee on it. Same difference, well not, since you can still spend it when it dries.

If you're that clumsy with your phones, I wouldn't suggest an expensive brand such as Apple.
Maybe go with a budget android, there's plenty out there that are amazing, like the Oppo A73 which I got earlier this month.

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