Which is best hard case for my iphone 5?

I'm going to buy a hard case for my girl friend's iphone 5 and want to give this on her b'day but a little bit confused about it. So please suggest me which one looks better?



No fake answers please.

Get a soft case for afalings

The red looks great…
here has more many iphone 5 cases, you maybe can have a look:

Essentially these two cases are the same other than one being pink and the other being black.

This comes down to your girlfriend's personality and style.
Is she more reserved or is she more extroverted and 'colourful' in her dressing and taste?
Does she prefer wearing sober colours like black, brown, grey etc. Or bright ones like yellow, red, pink etc?
Is her current phone case/previous phone case(if she chose it herself) bright or sober coloured?

The pink one would be more appropriate for girls who have a more extroverted personality and those who like bright colours more. The black one is a more reserved choice and is more suitable for a girl who doesn't like bright colours or prefers simplicity- It is a very classic and understated black and white combination.

You can also factor in where she uses the phone. A bright pink cover may not be so appropriate if she is a lawyer for example. I personally feel the black cover would not go so well with the black iPhone 5 as it would blend with the colour of the phone.

I hope this helps you and your girlfriend enjoys her birthday and gift!

Hi! I guess we have to see what's the colour of your girl friend's iphone 5? If she has a white iphone 5, I felt that the pink one will suit it more cos' the contrast is better but if she has the black iphone 5, I would say take the black cover.