Which is better for software development c++ or c#?

I plan on going back to college this coming fall for programming which will include mobile app development and programming. I'm picking iphone and adroid programming and then I wasn't sure about c++ or c# or would it be better to do both c++ and c# then only one mobile development. Mobile I use adroid instead of apple since I don't really care for iphones so much. I hope to someday write my own programs and maybe start my own development business if things work out.

There's no definitive answer.

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If you ignore iphones then you simply aren't a serious developer, because most mobile money is made on iphones. Reminds me of the people coding for linux in the 90's because they didn't like windows, then they missed out on 90% of where the money was actually made.

C++ is really big in apple software and C# is really big in Microsoft software…