Which is better galaxy or iphone?

Which is better galaxy or iphone?

It depends what you want, as there are pros and cons to both. You just have to make the comparison and see what matters most to you.

Windows phone


Both are pretty good, if you use iTunes as your primary music library then it might be easier to use an iphone

If you want Apple to exercise extreme control, then iPhone is for you.
If you want the freedom to manage your own dang phone, Android.

Samsung for me. I do not want apple telling me what I can and can't do on my phone.

Samsung galaxy, iphones are a LOT cheaper to repair, the main decider for me is what apps are available on the playstore for android and appstore for apple

Both phone Galaxy and iPhone are the best on his feature. Indeed the iPhone X and the Galaxy have never been progressively comparative but then, in organization rationality, apparently they have additionally never been further separated.

They are both just fine. They both do the same things.
i always tell people to stick with whatever you are used to. Otherwise you will be relearning everything.
if you've never used either, save yourself money and get an Android. Again, they do all the same stuff.

Both are best smartphones of their brands.
All phones have advantages and disadvantgaes.
It depends on your preferences.

I just still stick with a flip phone. No need for anything more.

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