Which is better: iphone 4s or Samsung galaxy s3? - 1

Explain why


Samsung galaxy

Both of them have their pros and cons. I'm biased, but my parents are getting me the 4S for Christmas.

Samsung Galaxy S3 is a bit overpriced. You can get a 16GB iPhone 4S for $99.99, or you can get an iPhone 4 for $0.01 if you're on contract.

Galaxy s3. Its larger, and you can accustom it more for yourself.iphones have one layout, which may get boring after a while.also, the galaxy s3 is more durable than an iphone. The screen on the iphone is made from glass, which is why you may see a lot of people with cracked iphone screens.i, personally, think the iphone is HIGHLY overrated. Only good thing about the iphone is the emojis lol


The galaxy has better specs!