Which is better? Samsung Galaxy s 3 or the iphone 5? Which should i get

Help? Which is better? Samsung Galaxy s 3 or the iphone 5? Which should i get?!

Zuluaga -You should get the samsung galaxy s 3 i'm gettin it i don't want an i phone cause it ha s abigger screen

When the rich man easy dances iphone 5
When the poor man pay the price galaxy s3
The best smartphone galaxy s3
Quadpro essor 1.5 ghz
attery 2100 mah
Super Amoled HD display Videos a dream
Music 5;1 on headset concert armosphere.
Android jelly bean the best on earth.8MPSupreme Camera
Google Navigation
Battery in and out if the phone frozen.
And all features you like
All things are quality and works steady, not iphone 5 like.
Take the "poor man smartphone, and don't waste money.

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