Which is better, the iPhone 5 or 4S and why

Which is better, the iPhone 5 or 4S and why?!

Added (1). Also, which do you think is better value for money!

The five because it is much lighter, taller, and is faster

If you are going to do an upgrade then i would recommend the iphone 5. If you are going to buy it from a private seller then i would get the iphone 4s since it'll be much cheaper.

Talking specs and features the iPhone 5 is definitely better in every way than the iPhone 4S. It is taller, lighter and REMARKABLY faster. It contains completely better interior and an entirely better, stronger and beautiful design. As far as money goes, the iPhone 5 is more expensive but is completely worth the extra cost. If you can't afford it I truly urge you to wait some time until it gets cheaper. Buying a 4S now would be a bad investment of money.

The iPhone 4s and iPhone 5 are both good phones. The iPhone 5 has a faster processor and more memory. The front facing camera is improved (for iChat) and the screen is a half inch larger. Although the iPhone 5 is larger, it is still nearly the same width and thinner than the 4s. What you will actually noitce between the two may be minimal. The iPhone was created by taking a great phone and making slight imrovements. You may not notice the speed difference between the two. The screen is going to look a little better on the iPhone 5, but not much. If I had a 4s, I would probably stick to it except that I'm a Verizon customer and I'd want the larger screen and the biggest new feature on the VZW network, 4G LTE. If you haven't experienced true 4G LTE, it is quite amazing, except that you can eat through your bandwidth limit pretty fast if you decide to download big files or watch a ton of movies.


Generally the iphone 5 is supposed to be better than the 4s. The major differences is that i5 is a 4GLTE phone meaning it has better/faster speed capabilities, it is thinner and lighter (if that really makes a difference to you), the back of the i5 is NOT glass. They both can get the new iOS6 so no software changes. The biggest difference I've seen is the display of both, the i5 has a 40-45% better display than the 4s. The 4s is significantly cheaper than the i5 especially on websites such as Ebay and Craigslist but the 4s still holds a solid price value since it was just released last year. I have actually not seen one person with it so far, everyone has the 4s. My EMT class is 26 people and half the class has a 4s.

Iphone 5 is better than 4s but 4s is better for your wallet.anyways, galaxy s3 or s2 beats any iphone.

Just check out this link you will get all information about both: http://versusio.com/en/apple-iphone-5-64gb-vs-apple-iphone-4s-64gb

and compare deals here http://www.cheapmobilephonecontracts.org.uk/