Which is better - vodafone vs 3?

I've got an iPhone 5 and i'm trying to determine the best network to use it on,

I know that 3 is the best for internet and you always get a 3G signal but i've heard they don't have very good reception?

Vodafone offer contracts at the same prices but none of them give unlimited internet (which i'll defiantly need!) they only offer 500mb for my price range unlike 3 BUT i've heard that they have a better signal than 3

they're both good on minutes and texts so mainly its about data, 3 is 90p more a month than vodafone but for that i get unlimited internet over 500mb making 3 the obvious choice but i don't want to sign up for 12 months of crap signal!

I'm not interested in any of the other networks as i can't pick them up at all where i live!

Which one should i go for?

3 top up 20 a month and you get 3000 free text to anyone 3000min free calls to other 3 numbers anytime and 3000min free calls to any network on weekends and unlimated internet and the reception is decent enough

Three is best when it comes to unlimited data. And as the iPhone 5 is 4G compatible you should get up to 20 mbps speed on their new DC HSPA+ network.

Go for three! I have the ultimate internet 200 30 day rolling contract one and its brilliant. Its only £12.90 a month.

And tbf three's signal and coverage is getting better now. And as long as it says all-you-can-eat-data it is truly unlimited. And the speed of the network is unbelievable

vodafone are very expensive for what you get.

If i were you id get a three 30day rolling one the same as me, its unlimited data and you can cancel whenever you want. But for me the signal is great. Use the 3 signal checker to see how good the signal you have is.