Which network works the best with the iPhone 5?

I'm currently with T-Mobile, but switching to a new network soon. Which of these networks works the best with the iPhone 5: AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon? And what makes it better than the others?

Well, for some people it might be Verizon. But it all depends on which network works best for you. For me it's Verizon because i find that the network is fast and even though Verizon is a big network company, it's still a good network.


AT&T workes the best as you can use your internet functions while on a phone call.

Having said that, the other carriers might work better/faster in your specific geographical area.
If you can get LTE on AT&T and don't do much traveling through the non-cities in the US, get AT&T.
If you can't get LTE or travel into the backroads of the US, get Verizon
If you NEED unlimited data get Sprint.

Also, note if you buy a Verizon iPhone 5, it is unlocked to use on T-Mobile right out of the box.