Which one should i buy? Ipad? Ipod? Iphone?
Please specify the versions and the difference between them please and also the prices in USD
It depeneds what you want it for but i would say ipad all the way its bigger admittedly more expensive but if you could afford it or you just need to save alittle more then go for it i have an ipad 3 myself and i love it, i use it for everything!
You should probably buy either an iPhone or an iPad. An iPod has a Timmy screen and so does an iPod touch, and if you want to hear music, you can still listen to it on your iPhone/iPad. So I prefer one of those.
In fact, I'm using my iPad 4 to answer you
If you can afford it just save up some money.It'll be worth it, I promise you.
They are all excellent devices. Your only question is whether you want a phone or not.
If you want to make calls while using an iDevice, then get an iPhone. If you want to put music into a portable electronic, then get an iPod. If you want a tablet, then get an iPad.
An iPhone is an iPod with the ability to call people and 3G. A iPad is exactly the same a the iPod but bigger and the apps are much more expensive.personally i would buy the iPhone as it has the most features. The iPhone 4 is about $700+. The iPod is about iPod is about $50+ and the iPad is about $500+
versions for ipod
ipod shuffle
ipod nano
ipod classic
ipod touch
versions for iphone
iphone 4
iphone 4s
versions for ipad
ipad 3
ipad 3 4G
i have not listed the price for each specific version as there are different memory choices and they are all different prices.
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