Which should I get for Christmas?

My mum has offered me an iPhone 5c or a Kindle Fire HDX. I already have an iPad 2 and a HTC Desire HD. I don't know which to get and I must decide tonight to get anything. Which?

Buy a laptop with fast processor

I phone

The Iphone 5c is basically a plastic Iphone 5… You might aswell just get the Iphone 5. But, since you already have an Ipad 2 and a HTC Desire HD, there's honestly no point in getting the Kindle Fire HDX since you can do all the stuff the Kindle does on your Ipad.

Gift cardd
some clothes
or shoes

Money wise? The Kindle Fire HDX is worth more, and I have seen many reviews about problems for the iPhone 5c so I personally would not want that. If you really want a new phone, see if she'll get you the iPhone 5 or 5s because those are both less than the Kindle Fire HDX. Plus, you do already have an iPad. If it comes down to a choice between those two, I would pick the Kindle Fire HDX because I love my kindle. Whatever works for you.