Which should i get? The iphone 4 or ipod 5?
I'm saving up for an ipod 5 but then I started thinking about an iphone 4. The iphone 4S and 5 are too expensive for me (since I'm only 13) but I'm perfectly fine with the iphone 4. But I like the look of the ipod 5. And I sorta want an iphone because I always want to use the apps that need Wi-Fi to work but I never can because I'm not at home where I have Wi-Fi. Getting an iphone 4 would allow me to use my data anywhere with 3G. I'm kinda tied because I like siri (which is on the ipod 5) but I also like the iphone 4. Which should I go with?
I'd go with the iPhone 4, since you can listen to music with it, have games, and it's a PHONE.
It has all in one! :3
You can do anything with it, and even more than the iPod.
That's your choice, though. I wouldn't, personally, buy none of both, because the newest generation
might come any moment, then you'll want the newest phone/pod, ect., and you won't want it anymore.
Anyway, go for the iPhone:3
(PS, They're to fragile, watch out!)
I would go for the iPhone 4, because you can use it anywhere, and you don't need Wi-Fi everywhere like you do for the iPod. Of course with a contract the iPhone 4S is $99, (on at&t) so you could save up for that and have Siri
You can install Siri for iphone4, iphone4 if your getting it through a contract then it's only a dollar, bu the question you should be asking is can i afford paying 15+ a month for data? If you can get the iphone4 it also has ipod features. On the other hand if you can't ipod have apps that can make calls also but like you said you can't use it unless you have Wi-Fi
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