Who do little kids have iPhones?

Like, I can understand getting a cell phone for contacting your parents or even just occasionally texting your friends- when you're, like, 13 or older. But 7 year olds do NOT need phones AT All unless their parents are divorced and they do a lot of back and forth or something like that. And certainly not iPhone 5's! Am I insane for thinking this? What the heck ever happened to good old Candy Land, why are little kids doing on Instagram and Facebook?

So their parents don't have to interact with them anymore. The iphone is the new babysitter.



I didn't get a phone until I was 21, and that was prepaid!

I don't know. They should be for teens + only. Kids don't need so much internet and electronics now when they could just play outside and hang with their friends instead of talking on Instagram and snapchat. If they have to have a phone then get them those flip ones that are less expensive and better for calling etc. In case of emergency or If they need to be picked up from school and so on

7 year olds don't have it, but I think its good they learn about the technology so it can be something like an ipad where there's no monthly contract and you can monitor their use at home

You must be white cause I don't know any 7 year olds with phones, let alone iPhones…

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