Who is that band with the female drummer?
I just caught a glimpse of their music video awhile ago. The band had a female drummer/supporting vocals. The video showed a date scene in which the conversation was presented like an Iphone messaging system. I'm not entirely sure if its an American or English band. Its just that I realized they had some nice chorus and would like to hear more of their music.
Added (1). I forgot to add they look like a young bunch (4 or 5 members IIRC). Unfortunately, it's not Skillet.
Only one I know with a female drummer with backing vocals would probably be the White Stripes.
Skillet's percussionist is named Jen Ledger and she does back-ups as well.
"Jennifer Carole "Jen" Ledger (born 8 December 1989) is an English drummer and backing vocalist for the Grammy Award-nominated Christian rock/hard rock band Skillet. At the age of eighteen she became Skillet's drummer, when their former drummer Lori Peters retired."
The bands Mono Inc. And Lord Of The Lost (both from Germany) also have female drummers although I think only Katha Mia of Mono Inc. Does supporting vocals too.
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