Why apple stock price falling yesterday after new iPhones announcement?

Checked up apple stock price last day to see any upward shifts after the announcements of the new iPhones and i found out that the price fall by 5.44% . Don't know why after the new iPhones announcement. I'm about to find out. #apple #stock

why is that? It should go up after the new iphones? Can anyone explain please?

Stock prices are based on expected future return. The phones were meh - they'll sell (especially the 5s) but they weren't revolutionary or something that competitors don't already do.So, Apple's future is looking a bit less promising.

Why are you asking this question again? You asked 15 minutes earlier as well.

People were expecting a china mobile deal today and it didn't happen. I'm impressed with 5S and the Docomo deal, but more importantly for the stock was the china mobile announcement today and it never occurred.

Because investment banks downgraded their performance.

About 4 investment banks downgraded their performance/position and hence people sold the shares


Investment banks are businesses which specialize in equity (shares). They often rank shares as buy, sell etc

Read this


So when a huge multi-billion dollar firm puts a sell rating on a share, it is obvious that people will sell the share, hence the share will fall.

There's more to it, but that is the general idea. It is also the same when they upgrade the rating, i.e. Put a buy rating. This would increase a share price.

However, since the rating was downgraded, people would sell it