Why are 20th century people so ignorant?

I was born in 2000, it's so sad that these fools don't know how an iPhone camera works! Well those born in the 80s and 90s do but anyone before them doesn't and are stoopid!

Being a 21st century-born, I can easily guarantee the 2010s is better than the 90s.

You forgot to add that they basically made everything you own

2010s is better than the '90s? Don't make me laugh.

LMAO… Nice to see the tradition of pretentious condescension common among liberals is being passed on to the snowflake generation.

How can you even say that the 2010s is better than the 90s if you didn't experience the 90s?

This is coming from a millennium baby lmao.

I think things got worse once the 2010s arrived. Things were much better in the 2000s, there was no SJWs and it was a much more normal time. I miss those days…

There was never any need to improve photography after the Kodak Brownie Box camera.

You weren't alive in the 20th century, we were (including your parents and teachers). It was the best time to be born. I pity you.

I bet you don't even wash your own cloths.

Trolling is an art. You are no artist.

2000 is the 20th century. The 21st century began in 2001.

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  • Why do 20th century born people say their century is better than ours? I was born in 2000, I love laughing at people born before me! Anyway, these dummies now says the 20th century is better than my century. Ha! No. Their century has: WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Korean War, so many wars! My century has: Social Media and iPhones I just don't understand why are they full of cancer! How sad!
  • Why do 20th century born people miss their decades? I was born in 2000, it don't get what those born in 1999 or before have in their minds! Hell those born after '91 don't even know what the 90s were about, they're obsessed with their stupid decades! I laugh when they think the 20th century is so much better than my-born 21st century because my century includes iPhones, social media, technology advancements, and so much better things instead of war, blood, scream, and pain. How sad!