Why are 90's kids so freaking annoying?

I was watching this video online where it showed the great memories of the 90's. Stuff like games, TV shows, cartoons, music, movies, fashion, etc. Anyways, it's really annoys me that some of the 90's kids attack kids who were born in the late 90's or whatever just because they remembered watching shows like:

- Rugrats
- Hey Arnold
- Rocket Power
- The Proud Family (this isn't even a 90's show either!)
- the original Pokemon

I mean, just because the kids were born after 1997, doesn't mean they can't enjoy the 90's stuff.

They also brag constantly about how great the 90's were. Yeah, we get it. The 90's were great. What annoys me more is that some of them say that kids born in 2000+ are the era of "spoiled brats" or crappy music and TV shows. Hey, the 90's had it's negative sides too. Jeez, some of them act like you're all that in a bag of chips.

Added (1). Also, please no rude comments.

You are worse.

Oh god yes! That's exactly how I feel! 90s kids are THE most annoying people on Earth!

Ah ironic isn't it how you also moan about those who moan not being rude just saying also not all 90 kids are like that you just get a handful of people who can't get over it

You're worse

Seriously, who cares. Worry about yourself, not what others think.

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