Why are iPhone owners so snobby?

They are always putting #teamiPhone on facebook/twitter posts.
I want the new iPhone 5, but I'm too poor.
If I had it, I wouldn't be shoving it on anyone's face.


Because they think that since they have an IPhone that they're rich and have way more money than everybody else.iPhones aren't even that great anyways, they're over rated in my opinion.

*is iPhone owner*
*also has no mattress to sleep on and is currently in debt.*

Lmao my friend got the iPhone 5 and she took it out in class and held it up like Rafiki was holding Simba when he was first born.

They're not. Although I guess it depends on what area you're from.

Because they think they are rich because they can get every new iphone as soon as it comes out.


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