Why are my iPhone videos so huge now?

IPhone question… I used to be able to email videos (up to a minute or so) from my phone at like 5MB… But now they are like 60MB+. Does anyone else have this same problem… Or know how to fix it? I'm so bummed, I can't email videos to myself to save to my computer in a manageable size! (oh, same deal with Wilson's phone too). Any help or thoughts would be most appreciated!

Change video quality

If you are using an iPhone 6S it can record at 4K videos so thats takes up a lot of space. Try lowing the video resolution so the video size is smaller.

Everyone wanted HD quality videos. Well now you got them, and they are 20 times larger then previous videos. Its the same reason why photos used to be 200k each and are now 2.5Meg.

Emailing videos isn't a good way anyway since their attachment limits are so small (25MB or so) when a full minute of at least 720p HD (the lowest any currently sold iPhone can record with) is 30MB.

Could try other means & get the proper recorded resolution/quality at the same time, like using Flickr, Google Photos to automatically upload the videos where you can access them online.

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