Why are people being pushed to go to college?

I get that college is really high and mighty and can make people successful. My view point is college only benefits people who have high ambitions and who are aiming to become doctors, lawyers, engineers and big name careers, but not everybody wants to become those things. There's nothing worse than owing somebody money, that's the worst position to ever be in. If you're going to tell somebody to go to college at least tell them what degrees make money and which degrees are useless so they don't end up in student debt with a basic job at like target making a living. My big sister was pushed to go to college, but she didn't owe any money before college, after graduating with a bachelors degree she's in student debt for life, her credit history is demolished. She was pushed to go to college but nobody told her what degree to get and what degree is beneficial. I'm going to junior college for free and I have no idea what I want to do in terms of a career. I don't have ambitions to be an engineer, lawyer or a doctor, so what benefit does college have for me? When I do transfer to four year I'm probably going to have to take out a loan which would put me in a worse position than I'm right now. When my professor told me that everybody should go to college as a means of being successful, I always say so if you want me to get a degree so bad, why don't you pay for my degree? It's like pushing somebody to buy an iPhone when you know they can't afford one.

College benefits far more than the people who want to become doctors, lawyers, and what- have-you. Most people who go to college do NOT go into those professions. However, college has developed their critical and analytical thinking skills, it has helped their brains mature in ways that will be hugely useful to them whatever they choose to do with their lives. That's really the point of it, not just preparing people who want to attend graduate/professional schools to do so.

By the way, my college and graduate educations were virtually paid for, and I didn't come from a rich family. The best, most expensive colleges and universities offer the most generous financial aid. I attended 2 Ivy League universities on extremely generous aid. Relatively few people in the US pay full freight. That's what financial aid is for.

It's a status thing now, almost. A bachelor's degree seems to be the equivalent to graduating high school in the eyes of employers these days. I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life, and I certainly wasn't going to throw myself into thousands of dollars of student loan debt right out of high school, so I'm not in college for now.

If you're after a job that doesn't require a collage degree, then yeah, going it kinda pointless.

I think your analysis is correct. Unless they have a specific goal, I think people should not go. Avoid debt and save a little money so if you ever change your mind because you learn about a job that requires a degree, you can go get one. Sometimes companies will pay for people to get a degree one or two classes at a time.

I'm a huge believer in college and grad school, but only if you're there for a reason. It's a waste for it to be a huge party with a $60,000 cover charge that you can borrow and pay back over 25 years.

I feel the same way. I chose not to go to college after I graduated high school (but now I'm in a rut because I'm 22 and have a non-career/minimum wage job. Currently, I'm in the process of job hunting and am hoping my job experience will get me somewhere.) People persuade the younger generation to attend university because having a degree gives you more opportunities and puts your life on track. Plus it's the most popular route to go. If you have an objective, that is…

Many people spend 6 years earning a bachelor's degree then get jobs completely unrelated to their field. It's best to think about what you want to do for a living first, then take into consideration the employment rate and salary in the area you plan to live (this is VERY important.) Then determine the best way/cheapest level of education to get into the type of work you plan to do.


How LONG do you expect some one to TOLERATE being treated like they are child who Can't make rational logical decisions ALL BY THEMSELVES? WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE AN ENTITLED BRAT is what I want to know. A:: you do is whine rant and complain ENDLESSLY. About how much college costs. I have THREE bachelor's degrees and a masters; degree and i WAS NOT ON DEBT. WHY ARE YOU SO IGNORANT? WHY do you REFUSE TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ONLINE and i EXPECT OTHER people to do your research FOR you and and provide you with the the hyperlinks and links that you probably will not look at any way AN YOU DO NOT PAY THEM FOR FOR THEIR TIMER. THAT is entitled emotionally Immature person who DESERVES to be treated like a 2 year old child.

What YOU need is spanking. You will NEVER make it through graduate school with an attitude like that. I know a bank vice president who CHOSE NOT TO GO TO COLLEGE.

WHY are you SO willfully ignorant and stupid? I'm TIRED of your whining and your blatant ignorance displays. You are doing the SAME THIN G as that professor. Thing to psychologically MANIPULATE me. Why don't you go to trade school and become a plumber?