Why are people still buying the iPhone 4S?
I'm just curious. If i was able to buy one i would get the latest and greatest!
Are they buying it because its cheaper? Because other than that there's nothing better about the 4s than the 5…
And there's nothing better about 5 then 4s
Alot of people who aren't very techy don't see a huge difference. The iPhone 5 is not that much of an upgrade if you only use the phone for calling and Internet and texting. People who use it for more advanced things really look into the specs, but people who only put average use on it, don't usually care. The prices have gone down alot since the release of the 5. Also some inconvenienced that come with the 5 are the new size, and new charger. You can't use any old accessories with the 5, as they will not fit. With the new version of iOS you can do alot more things with a 4s than before.
Has to be pricing.
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