Why are so many USA military veterans living in sewers?

A few days ago I saw a USA veteran eating roadkill off the side of the road. This is no exaggeration but I wittiness this former Marine reduced to fighting birds so that he could enjoy the dead dog himself. I stopped to offer him money, but first verified that he was a veteran. After proving that he was a veteran, he said that 95 percentage veterans are like him. He then lifted up the cover to the sewer, and with the flashlight on my iPhone I saw 100s of veterans living underground in the sewer. He said that they lost their ability to speak, and that they were afraid of sunlight. He tossed them the leg bone of the roadkill and one veteran jumped above the rest and caught it in its teeth. I than watched the veterans fighting like animals the ripping roadkill apart. I turned away to ask the former marine a question, but I noticed he was on the ground scratching himself like a dog would, the pupils of his eyes were small, and his razor teeth glaring were glaring. I became concerned for my safety and left.

Don't give up your day job. Fiction is hard.

You should probably invest in a creative writing class, your story telling sucks.

It takes weeks of harsh training to turn a normal person into a trained killer, then years of indoctrination. To turn this killer into a civilian, it takes minutes. They lack the skills to adapt to civilian life, and they refuse the help from counseling because it tries to strip their indoctrination away. 25 years in the Corps, and I accepted the help.

Says the loser on welfare…

100s of veterans living in the same sewer?

As soon as I saw that part of the story, I knew it was BS.

While SOME veterans are homeless, MANY homeless people claiming to be veterans never even stepped foot in basic training.

That said, your skills as a fiction writer are on par will my dog.

US Veteran… Now living on a Vineyard on the Italian Riviera, along the Med.

Just because some people wear Military Uniforms does not make them Veterans 90% have never served

Your question doesn't even come close to sounding truthful.

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