Why are some people jealous? I'm referring to people I have seen online who seem so angry and who are insulting to people who have the free?
Government phone, some call it an Obama phone. It isn't like it is an iPhone, it is a prepaid phone that does little more than make phone calls and it only gets 500 minutes a month! It is a cheap phone but a much needed help that is appreciated. If you aren't in the position to need this help be grateful instead of being jealous that a needy person is being helped.
Added (1). Rick B a phone is a necessity, how else can one make doctor appointments, arrange rides to those appointments or dial 911 in an emergency?
I'm not jealous, I just don't feel that my I should be paying for a cellphone (no matter how limited) for someone else. A phone is not a necessity.
You do realize that those of us born before the 80s were able to live without cell phones, right? I actually knew people who did not have phones at home either. And we all survived.
I don't think that people are jealous of these free phones. Most of the people do not need them. Most of the people have the free phone plus an iPhone. Seem that they are just playing the system to receive free stuff. That what makes people mad.
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