Why can't I delete these photos? (iPhone 4S IOS 7)?

And if there's a way, how? Why can t I delete these photos iPhone 4S IOS 7

LMAO nothing is inappropriate so deal with it

  • Will I be able to recover these photos? (iPhone)? I have photos saved on my iphone 4 inside a privacy app. The phone is now broken and i can't get to them. I have backed up the phone to my computer, and I'm getting the iphone 5s. If i set up the new iphone to the backup of my old one (if i can even do that) will my pictures still be inside the privacy app?
  • Why did ios 7 put music on my iphone when i had deleted or removed these songs prior? So I had deleted or removed songs from my phone that i just didn't like anymore or got tired of. They were still on the computer and in the icould service but they didn't show up on the physical phone device itself. Now after ios 7 everything from the cloud is basically on my phone and i don't want them. Is there a way to reverse this or will i have to go through my entire library and hand delete the songs?
  • Why can't I delete certain burst photos off my iphone? I've been clearing out my photos and sometimes the burst photos let me keep only the ones I want, but on a few they let me select photos as if I were going to delete, but when I click ok it does nothing. Those bursts have been on my phone for years now because they don't delete like most. What's going on and how do I fix this?
  • Why can't I convert these photos? I took pictures off an Iphone. Tried to open them on my Windows 8 laptop. I can download them, but when I open the pictures, it tells me the file type is not supported. So I tried two different online converters. Both of them said that an error had occurred each time. I tried converting the files to BMP, TIFF, GIF, and JPEG.