Why did a text from my iphone to another iphone turn green instead of blue?

Why did a text from my iphone to another iphone turn green instead of blue?

It could mean that their phone was off. It could also mean that their data connection (Wi-Fi and Cellular) was off either because they turned them off or because they were in an area where they couldn't get service. It could mean they deactivated iMessage. It could mean that your data connection was having a problem at the time you sent the message.

It sent as a text message; this sometimes happens when the internet connection is no bueno so instead, it uses cellular data or the other person has no internet connection or has turned off iMessage

Iphone or android. I mean thats the answer. Not a question

DON'T PANIC! The message just went through a different means.

When sending messages from iPhone to iPhone (or an iPad or a Mac), it's going through iMessage system, which utilizes Wi-Fi or Cellular data (whatever is available)… Which shows as light blue bubble.

HOWEVER, if something happen that made the iMessage system unavailable for some reason (bad data connection, sender or receiver disabled iMessage, the iMessage servers went down for some reason, OR the receiver doesn't support iMessage), the iPhone will default to SMS / MMS (via cellular) as the back-up… Which shows as a green bubble.

The switch from blue to green is just an update on how it was sent (& received).

Because you had to use data to send it, either someone wasn't connected to Wi-Fi or one of the connections wasn't good enough to send over Wi-Fi.

Not everyone uses iMessage and/or wasn't available to be used at the time.


I don't know

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