Why did everyone make a big deal that the new iphone can bend?

Why did people complain about this? It still works the same even though it can bend right? So why the big deal about it?

Because who wants to pay $200-$1000 for a phone that bends? Not worth it. I always have loved the iPhone models but this new one looks cheap.

I agree and I don't understand what the point of designing it to bend is either. If people are stupid enough to bend it because they don't look after it then it's their own fault if it breaks.

IT CAN BEND… Holy ****

I didn't know that dang they making phones that bend now… I shouldnt care so much though because I can't afford one anyways

They want it to bend over

Because you hate having a broken phone

It breaks in your pocket doe

I had one and it bent in my pocket and broke. So I can see why people are making a big deal out of it. Also they did even put the software in to make PHONE CALLS.
Talk about epic fail haha

Actually it can only bend if you are dumb enough to put alot of pressure on it and actually try to break it. Its metal, it won't bend unless you do something drastic to it.

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