Why did Pink Floyd Deny Drug use?
Syd barrett took LOADS of acid and smoked much pot FACT… But after he left i'm sure Waters, Gilmour, Mason and wright(rip) all enjoyed reefer! I mean it was late 60s early - late 70s and All had libg hair abd some $ . Its pretty obvious to me they all smoked pot while writing their songs… I don't know about playing them… Watch gilmours eyes in the pompeii video during the interviews! Red as hell ANYWAYS WHY did they deny it every time? SOMETIMES when i'm home alone i slide my iphone up and down my but crack like a mastercard.
Would you admit to the world that you did every drug on the market HECK NO!
They did acid and weed. I know that for a fact.
I do to. The problem? I don't have the money for an iPhone! *high fives*
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