Why did Tic Tac (The Company) have to apologize to the world for Donald Trump?

Donald Trump mentioned tic tacs in that video of him and Billy Bush, that doesn't mean Tic Tac is at fault for what he said.

That is literally the exact same thing as a serial killer admitting that he used an iPhone to call his victim and threaten them, and thinking Apple needs to apologize for that serial killer. It wasn't their fault that someone used their freedom of choice to do or say something using THAT SPECIFIC PRODUCT!


Added (1). @Anonymous: That literally means that the US is tainted because Donald Trump runs it.

Because they make those all WHITE mints

They didn't have to. It was just a smart move to distance themselves from a terrible person like trump.

Because liberals are going to hate on Tic Tac unless they apologize. Bunch of SJW losers.

To prevent a hysterical liberal boycott. Thing is, conservatives have started boycotting these cowardly liberal but sniffers too. In a way, they can't win for losing.

Donald trump is TOXIC anything associated with him will damage your bottom line
he is universally loathed at home and abroad, that is no mean feat

Must be a peyote user.