Why do I have to charge my iPhone twice a day?
I have a 9 month old iPhone that I barely use - except for the checking the internet briefly every hour or so and I end up having to charge it to 90% twice a day.
I always recharge when the battery hits 20% and I follow all the basic battery saving tips such as bluetooth, location, Wi-Fi off etc. I generally leave the 3G on all day and I prob send about 4 or 5 texts, rarely calls.
Is my battery on the way out or what?
Added (1). Hi Josh,
It's a 4S running iOS6 btw. Surely I shouldn't have to replace the battery after only 9 months? I have fully discharged/charge cycled once a month also. Do you know if the warranty would cover a replacement?
Your battery is going bad. Check out idopecustoms.com they can replace it for you.
If I do on my iphone what you say you do on yours… I won't charge my phone for 2-3 days. If using constantly then that would wear down any battery but using rarely doesn't drain mine hardly at all.
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