Why do people do this in school?

Well today in school i was walking in the halls the school day had just ended i was walking in the halls playing one of the apps on my iphone ( it's only iphone 3gs ) so all of a sudden as i'm walking in the halls and all of a sudden i was unable to move forward because a group of students just stopped at somebody's locker and were chatting so I'm trying to get through the big crowd of people trying to walk through the halls and the kids stopping in the halls having these conversations and some boy in my grade just shoves me forward and says 'Move' ( i assume he would have done it to anyone else who he thought was in his way ) i was not even shoving kids out of the way or being rude at all and iv'e never pushed another student out of the way in school and teacher just stood there while kids were blocking the halls and shoving others out of the way i also saw several other students get shoved out of the way to and i just thought in my head 'Really Bit** what did i ever do to you to get pushed in the halls' of course i didn't say those words out loud but i was pretty close to

so why do kids just stop in the hallways to talk to their and friends
why do kids push and shove other people out of the way and say 'MOVE"

i think it's extremely disrespectful and rude to other kids

p.s i'm in 8th grade and in middle school

I'm in 8th to I'm not saying its ok to do this but those people think they are better then anybody eles well just be u (and theirs a name for them it's called witch with a B)

They do it for the same reason you posted this rhetorical rant:
because they're dumb middle-schoolers.

Take your face out of your phone and watch where you're walking.

I try not to push an shove but if I see the idiots standing there I do tell them to move: p I'm in 8th grade also