Why do people keep buying iphones?
Why do people continuously buy these phones when they have almost no new features?
Obamaphones are free so the recipient doesn't care
Because they're sheep. They don't know anything about other phones and think having an iPhone will make them cooler. "omg guise look at mi new iphonezzz". I laugh at them.
Because they're simple and pretty
when you jailbreak it, you can make it so customizable and it looks so cool
there's a lot of cases for iphones
- Why people like iPhones? I can't never get people who like iphones to give a good reason, why? Some say it easy, but a lot have no clue on how to use their own phones. Can someone explain something useful that great about iphone? Everything they think is special other phones have been doing for years.
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- Why do people's iPhones keep restarting? Okay so for the past couple weeks my iPhone has just been like restarting when I'm on it. Well it just thought it was mine and then tonight I was on tumblr and there was this post about it and it was like, "reblog if your iPhone has been restating recently" and there was over 55,000 reblogs so that's a lot of iPhones restarting. Why is this happening to everyone?
- Why do i keep getting other people's iMessages? My sister got a new iPhone 4S and a screen popped up on my iPhone 4.It said something about getting imessage with 614-567-3879 (my sister's phone number) and so i though that meant whether i wanted to have iMessage when talking to her, but i didn't read all the way through. So i hit yes, and now whenever she sends a text to someone or somebody sends a text to her, i receive it to. How do i turn this off?