Why do people living on government assistance have new iPhones and Jordans?

Why do people living on government assistance have new iPhones and Jordans?

Cuz Obama wanted to make them feel special so he gave them obama phones and put more on the dole so they could waste taxpayers money.

Because Trump let's them

Ask Trump

Very good question. I have $6 dollar store shoes and a $60 Moto 4e. And why can they smoke $5+ a pack cigarettes?

Why not? IPhones cost nothing, a few bucks a day added onto a cellphone plan over a few years gets you a phone. Even someone poor can afford that. And cellphones are pretty essential to modern day life in the US. It's pretty hard to even get a job without a phone number. I don't know why people pretend iPhones and Jordans are luxury items. They're not. They barely cost a thing. A house, a car, or healthcare are luxury items. Not a cellphone that costs like $10 a month. Some plans will even give you an older model completely free just for signing up. You think a poor person with a cellphone is automatically going to become a wealthy millionaire if they stop paying that $10 a month on their cellphone?

What people? What are their names? Stop making up fictional welfare recipients.

When scoring crack and committing crimes, one needs to co-ordinate and perhaps run fast.

Aren't they called "Obama-phones"?

Because they are lazy azz ni g g es… Duh

People living on government assistance have new iPhones and Jordans because they don't have to pay for food, housing, or healthcare, and they get subsidized utilities, even a free bus pass.
So they have plenty of extra money to buy the nice things the working class wishes they could afford.

Go to any big city Craigslist and search "enfamil" and see all the welfare people selling their tax payer paid baby formula for cigarette and drug money.

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