Why do people put passcodes on their iPods and iPhones?

My boyfriend has the iPhone 5 and he has a passcode on it. I have an iPod touch and I put a passcode on it I don't really have much on there but I just did it because he did. I know his password but he doesn't care. He lets me use it sometimes. Why does he have a passcode on it?

Why can't dip be a meal? I don't understand things like that.

Simply because if you leave your ipod somewhere and someone wants to enter and see what's inside then I won't be able to see it without the code.

Passcodes are like passwords. People have them because if the device is lost then you don't want your personal information to be leaked.e. G.contacts, mails and pics. If you only have music and some games that don't need your personal information you wouldnt bother locking it as it is nothing personal.