Why do people say iphone sucks?

Well, I have a iphone and it's great and i have no problems with it. Why do people say iphone sucks?

Because they haven't actually experienced one or they are CRAZY!

Others phones are better and cheaper

Because they are just jelly cuz they don't have one.

The iPhone and Apple have become so popular that almost everyone owns one. The iPhone has become cliché, so to speak. People wanna be different. So they say bad things about it. Sure, Android phones are cheaper and have advanced features. These cheap Android phones are not nearly as reliable as an iPhone. Own one and you will see. The iPhone is just So reliable. Apple keeps it simple to not over complicate a hand held device. It's a different philosophy. For example, Android phones had 4G a 1.5 years before Apple. Only a few markets had 4G at the time. What good is it if you can't use it? Apple waits till the feature is more popularized before they add it to the iPhone.

It may be anything wrong.

Because iPhone 5 disappointed many people!

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