Why do people say iPhones break easily?

I dropped it on solid concrete many times, and it even landed screen first at one occasion. It doesn't have a protective case or anything and still no scratch on any side

Because it can't survive a direct hit from an axe.
whereas the Nokia 3310 can

I don't know it does for other people. I guess they compare it to androids durability

They say that because lots of incidents happen and their trying to warn you that their not good… False!

i have dropped my iphone lots of times too, if you don't screw around with your phone deliberately it will be fine.

Because they have mouths

They must've all bought fakes poor lads.

Mined haven't yet

I've broken by ipod 7 times it's just cracks on the screen, but it still works if you can read through the cracks. Some iphones have metal on the outside rim of the phone, but the ipods definitely don't

I know! I've dropped my iPhone many times and there's not a single scratch. I've never had a case for it before. Maybe it's just pure luck for us, or bad luck for the others.

'cuz iphones whackAss

Well i'm not going to go throw mine on the ground and test that theory out for you

Are you sure it was SOLID concrete? It might have been faulty semi-soft concrete and that would explain things. I once dropped a bottle of brandy on faulty semi-soft concrete and the bottle actually bounced right back into my hands without breaking.

Same here. I've dropped mine a lot, too, and it's still as good as new. And yet I have so many friends that drop theirs once, and the whole screen is cracked. Another friend has a Samsung Galaxy who dropped it once and now her screen is completely cracked, too (but they were all still working fine, just not looking fine).

I was intending to point out that this question was foolish, but then considered the pure words of the amazing Bruce Lee: A sensible man will be able to learn more from a foolish question than a silly man fool might learn from a shrewd answer.