Why do people use their cellphones for the internet?

A lot of people use their cellphones for everything like the internet but I just think it's way too small. I use my computer for the internet and I only use my cellphone for phone calls. I have an iPhone 7 Plus which is a huge phone but it's still too small to use the internet on and watch movies on, I don't even know why I paid 700 dollars for that lol but anyways why do people use cellphones? Do they think they look cool or something?

You do make some valid points. But honestly, do you carry your computer everywhere? A phone has the convenience of being very portable.

Why would You care What They do or How they do it?

Are you an officially appointed watchdog over others' habits and practices?

Something tells me you don't have anywhere near enough Really Important Stuff Of Your Own to occupy your time.

You probably see part of it. I'm sure a lot of the people you are referring to also use computers for internet access where possible, but if they are on the move then they use their phones.