Why do people want the iPhone 5 so badly?

I mean really… It's completely stupid and what I have (iPhone 4) is much better. No glitches unlike the iPhone 5.

They just want the next big thing. People waste money upgrading to so nothing almost exactly the same just for bragging rights or to show they're better than other's

Because people are stupid. Apple couldve made a hographic keyboard or something like that but what does it do? Make the screen bigger!

Its because the iPhone 5 was really hyped up, and since a few people got it, the followers then run to get it.

I agree. They spend too much time creating buzz and not enough time developing a solid platform before releasing it.

I switched to android 2 months before the new one came out. Don't regret switching at all, though i still have my iphone 4 and use it like an ipod.