Why do some people love to hate on Apple products?

Especially guys. I know lots of guys who say Apple is overpriced and not that good.

I have a macbook that is almost 4 years old and still works like it's brand new. Before I had to buy new laptops every 2 years because they became slow and these laptops cost the same as my mac.

Also, I have the iPad and the Galaxy tablet and the iPad is way better. I'm even switching back to the iphone because the galaxy 4 is annoying.

My ipod stuffed up in less than 3 months of buying it. My sister's ipod had to get repaired 3 times in the space of a year.

I don't have a very good relationship with apple.

Because Apple has a monopoly on the smartphone market and Americans are fundamentally opposed to monopolies

Teddy Roosevelt

They are communists. Samsung has a complete monopoly in Korea and is fundamentally part of the government makeup itself.

Cause they genuiley suck, always need an update or fix, ridiculously expensive, always missing basic features that will be out on the "next" model, their disregard for older models, and can't use the device to its full capacity, and must only use their itunes store, accessories etc.

so yes, apple products are a rip-off and the quality doesn't measure up to the price for a closed-system device.

Interesting view that it's mostly the men.

Apple does make very solid desktop computers and laptops, because they've been in the business for a very long time, monitor the production of all the parts themselves and so on; but their smartphones and tablets are objectively no match for the high-end competition.
What they do do is pay special attention to aesthetics and design of each and every of their products, and on that territory they are hard to match, so it's stereotypically possible that the women prefer them because of that, but the men prefer the competition because of their superior tech features.

Also, one more thing I dislike about them is that they're (like Microsoft) notorious for putting out under-developed products and only then ta-ta come up with a new improved version of it, when in fact they promised everything in the original product; and that new version is always a really good product, I agree, but it's usually not as hyped as the original - the S version of iPhones comes to mind first.

I've used both over a long period of time. It's not so much that people hate the products its that they are pretty easy to use. You don't need a lot of computer knowledge to use a Mac, PC users had to be pretty knowledgeable early on to fix/install/troubleshoot their systems. Because the software was often pretty buggy, not so for Mac users. The Mac platform does not allow for fooling around with as much, so you don't learn as much while using it, so it becomes less interesting and less of challenge for some.

Galaxy note is better

Apple is all show and they don't transfer data to a non apple device

I think it's because it is often the most preferred by people who've never owned one, simply because they are so popular. No one is cheer leading any Android or BlackBerry if they've never owned one. So why do people do that for Apple?

Because of stupid fangirls like you.

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