Why do some teen with iPhones make fun of people who don't have one?

Like I would get it if you were an adult and you paid for the iPhone. But teens and kids? No! Most teens do not pay the bill for their iPhone so why should they make fun of other teens who don't have one?

Because they are jealous of people with androids. Androids are 10x better

Hmm. I agree with you. I'm 14 and I have an iPhone 5.In school everybody has a smartphone. A android or iPhone. It's like you don't fit in if you don't have a smartphone. It's the most crucial thing, but I don't know. You have a point but It's not cheap.

I know exactly what you mean. When I had a samsung like 2 years ago, people would ask me when I'm getting an iphone it was so annoying ahahh