Why do the older iPhones last longer than the newer iPhones. I'm saying like iPhone 4 and older are holding up much longer than newer ones?

Why do the older iPhones last longer than the newer iPhones. I'm saying like iPhone 4 and older are holding up much longer than newer ones?

Seems like everything is made "cheaper" (lower quality) these days but the cost is much higher.

Yeah… Newer products are build cheaper as compare to old ones

Not my experience with that. IPhones still have a good rating on longevity in terms of software & hardware. Haven't seen reports of that being the case either.

Can you provide a link to the data that backs up your assertion? Didn't think so.

I think that's more a perception and numbers, than an actual thing. There are more iPhone users now, than when the 4 came out. Add to this, more and more younger iPhone users. The younger folks tend to drop phones (no matter who makes them) more often. Younger folks are pretty vocal when their phones die, batteries go bad, screens get cracked. And younger folks not being able to repair/replace their phones (no insurance, can't afford a replacement, etc), at least compared to those 30+.

Apple rigs their newer phones to not last as long so you will buy another quicker