Why does almost everybody have a iPhone?

What's so special about the iPhone? I've heard a lot of people's iPhone are like not working and tearing up and stuff. Why pay like 600$ for that? And how do people get the money to pay for it I mean 600$ that's ridiculous?

Most don't pay $600 for it… 2 year contract and you can get the phone alot cheaper…

Its a waste of money! Well thats my opinion anyways. I have an android and it works fine. Same market apps, same smart phone. Just cheaper. Most people that have iphones either have their parents buy it Or have their parents pay their bills.cause i know i wouldnt waste no 600$ when i can buy my baby some nice clothes or make a car payment…

Never heard of a iphone, but an iphone.

Uhm, well I'm 14. I bought my own iPhone 4 about a year ago, for $349 (with the tax). I've never had a problem with mine… And my parents do pay for minimal service, but if I go over I pay for it myself. Heck, right now at AT&T, iPhone 3GS are only 99¢, plus the $30 activation fee THAT YOU PAY FOR EVERY PHONE! It's really not as big of a deal as you're making it…

And, if the phones didn't work, why would so many people have them? I live in a relatively rich suburb, and people here don't get status symbols if they don't work.

You won't know until you use it. Apple products are the best I've ever used. The best thing with apple is that your product is virus free. You can jailbreak it and do loads of stuff. The piece is delicate and is awesome to use. IOS, Siri and safari browser with iTunes, FaceTime and thousands of other applications just makes the apple best. You don't have to worry about any malwares in your iPhone and it's virus free which satisfies me the most. Yes, it's not of tearing up sort of stuff but you can do hundreds if things with apple products. App store is far better than android. Its the best piece I've used for gaming on cell. With jailbreak you can install paid apps for free and it hell lot of fun using apple product. No wonder why people don't hesitate to buy even a $600 iPhone or even more expensive.

An IPhone is a status symbol. It's to show off more than it is to use.although for some people it isn't a status symbol. They have an IPhone because they prefer an iPhone and what they can do with it, or one of their son's works for Apple now. It's like having a Cadillac instead of Chevy or Lincoln Continental instead of a ford. The Lincoln Continental has the same engine as the ford, but it has lot of extra do-dads and fancy stuff that makes it a status symbol and declaration of how much money you have. Status symbols don't matter to some people, but they matter A LOT to a lot people. I don't have or want or need a smart phone. I'm fine with my cell phone and buying pay as you go cards because I don't want or need another legal contract in my life right now.

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