Why does bad things ALWAYS happens to me?

I'm 17 years old and recently i've been seriously depressed as life is starting to go against me and I really don't know what to do. In High School I have been verbally bullied for 3 years straight about something I NEVER did and this guy made up about me for no reason and it's really embarrasing. It's still taunting me now as well. I've also recently had theft come into my life as my bike was stolen in my garage and the police did nothing about it and my PE kit knicked several times. Also, the month I take the insurance off my Iphone it gets water damaged from a little rain and i have to pay for a new phone and simply don't have the money. I've never had a girlfriend and never even heard a girl say she likes me and also have seriously bad acne which doctors medication couldn't even help.

I'm starting to get seriously frustrated as i have done nothing wrong and people seem to just target me and get seriously bad luck and no good luck.

What shall I do?

Stop being so negative and hard on yourself. Realise that life isn't always rosy and that you are not the only one who has bad stuff happen to them. It's how you pick yourself back up again, not how you fall. I'm afraid you are your own enemy at the moment with this attitude.

You know what, keep your head up high! Whe bad things like that happen to me I just have to think everything happens for a reason, god has something big planed for you! Just smile and be positive
Hope this helped

Dunno man wtf

Your life sounds TERRIBLE!

You are so, so brave for battling through that. I had never heard of bullying before, so I had to look it up, but it looks just awful! Is it common where you are? You should chronicle your bullying experiences - I'm sure many people would be interested to learn more about this most rare of phenomena.

It must be so much worse to be verbally bullied than physically bullied. Sticks and stones only break your bones, but words, well words can hurt forever.

I'm also very sorry to hear theft has come into your life. I once experienced theft. It was on holiday, and we had all of our Christmas presents in the car (God's-honest truth) and we parked it, came back about half an hour later and everything was gone. It is terrible when theft comes into your life. Somehow I found the strength to get on with my life; I pray you can do the same.

However, it is the story of your iPhone which most breaks my heart. How will you play Angry Birds without it? My only advice is to get home as soon as possible and try to find a device once known as a "landline telephone". Find it, plug it in, and then at least you won't be completely cut off. In the meantime, if you send me your details I will set up a donations page online so people can give money to help you out.

Your atrocious misfortune is heart-breaking. You can only hope that some African teenager will take a gap year helping less advantaged people such as yourself.

Please be strong.

There's no science to prove why.

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